How to avoid spelling mistakes (handwriting) 1-Write the word with the wrong letter larger and put an X through it. (5 times) 2-Write the word with the correct letter larger and circle or underline it (5 times) You slow down the process and become conscious of your mistake and the right word. I’ve got this trick from the book “Supermemory Superstudent: How to raise your grades in 30 days” by Harry Lorayne.
Tag: write
Grammar Spelling Checker – Find & Corrects your Spelling Mistakes WhiteSmoke Writer 2010+ is an all-in-one tool for proofreading and editing your writing: * NEW! Artificial Intelligence In order to give you the most accurate corrections. * NEW! Grammar Spelling Checker The most powerful grammar checker ever invented! * Usage Examples Use your words properly in a sentence. * NEW! Writing Review Get an instant quality score on your text. * Updated! Style Checker Improve your sentences, vocabulary, grammar and writing style. * Updated! Spell Checker Fix typos and difficult to spell words. * Updated! Punctuation Checker Improve readability with accurate punctuation. * Updated! Error Explanations Learn from your mistakes with error explanations and English lessons! * Works Everywhere Runs with MS Word, Outlook, and all other text-based applications. * DictionaryThesaurus Get accurate word definitions, synonyms, and idiomatic phrases. * Letter Templates Get started writing with over 600 letter templates.