The Apostrophe Song (zip clip) …Put the apostrophe back in its place… see the full video on you tube…If you like this you’ll probably like The Apostrophe Song iPhone App available from the iTunes App Store. It costs hardly anything. Check out hip hop, rock and acoustic versions in the iTunes music store.You won’t forget where to put an apostrophe again. Visit for more information.

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English Punctuation & Grammar : When to Use an Apostrophe

An apostrophe can be used to show ownership, and it can be used in conjunction with contractions. Find out when to use apostrophes with plural subjects and verbs with help from a certified tutor in this free video on punctuation and the English language. Expert: Paige Carrera Bio: Paige Carrera is a certified tutor for both Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz