The Apostrophe Song iPhone App…Put the apostrophe back in its place… If you like this you’ll probably like The Apostrophe Song iPhone/iPad App available from the iTunes App Store. It costs hardly anything. Check out hip hop, rock and acoustic versions in the iTunes music store.You won’t forget where to put an apostrophe again. Visit for more information. Follow The Apostrophe Song on Twitter

Please help. Step-family question: How do you make it easier on the children? My partner and I have been?

together for a year and a half now. He is separated from his wife over 4 years and they are still going through a messy divorce. His ex ran off with her tutor and when that relationship broke down she had a few others. My partner on the other hand was on his own for 2 and a half years and he said at the time he just existed. The problem we have is that the children (some grown up ones!) have all reacted differently to us getting together. I have a daughter aged 6 and she has after a 6 month spell being difficult totally accepted him. She misses him when he is away and writes him letters, hugs him and he is like a father figure to her. He has three children, a 21 year old daughter, a 19 year old daughter (who lives with him) and a 13 year old son. His middle daughter has been very welcoming and lovely to me, she and her partner even came on holiday with us. His son is a lovely wee boy and although I still sense it is difficult for him, he is always polite and seems happy when we spend time together. The 21 year old has I think never accepted that her Dad now has a partner (me!), as she stopped visiting him or coming to stay once we started going out, she also only calls him when she wants money and she seems to take the huff over times that he will not buy her something (and seems to think it means he does not love her) – latest being she wants a car for her birthday… my partner has pointed out that she cannot even drive, she already as a student cannot afford the £20 bus fares a month etc and that a car is very expensive including insurance etc but she was not at all happy. That said, I have only met her once and I often think how hard it must be for grown up children who have always known a certain family structure to suddenly have to accept a new person into their lives. I just wonder what we can do to help – so far we have tried to include her as much as possible but whenever we invite her anywhere she always says she is busy or does not want to go – the latest problem is christmas. We don’t live in the same city (not even close) and my partner decided that he wanted to spend Christmas with me (I offered to go to his). His son and middle daughter are ok with this as he explained that they would still have christmas day and that he still loved them etc His eldest however is just off the phone screaming at him about his priorities being in the wrong place and I feel awful. I wonder if we are being selfish. When he decided to come here it was partly because for the last four years apart from seeing his children for an hour in the a.m he spent a very lonely Christmas on his own, he tried explaining that to his eldest but she just would not listen. What should we do? Any outside advise would be most welcome. Not easy.

Grammar & Punctuation : How to Use Apostrophe Worksheets

Use an apostrophe with words to show possession or when using contractions. For the word “it,” do not use an apostrophe to show possession, but do use an apostrophe if it is a contraction. Learn about using apostrophes for plural words that also express possession with information from awriter and English tutor in this free video on grammar and punctuation. Expert: Heather Kamins Bio: Heather Kamins was diagnosed with lupus when she was 14 years old, and has dealt with kidney involvement, joint problems, medication side effects and other lupus-related issues. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge

When do you use apostrophe S and S apostrophe?

Today’s question: When do you use apostrophe S and S apostrophe?

Jennifer asks:  I was taught, growing up, that you only use apostrophe-S when it is a contraction as in “John’s going home” as in “John is going home” and S-apostrophe for possession.

Was I taught incorrectly?????

How do you distinguish between possession and contraction in the following sentence: ” The man’s nuts.”

Does it mean “The man is nuts.” ?

Or is it reference to his testicles? How can you tell?????
